Thursday Fall Womens @ The RA Centre

League Results

Thursday 2 November 2023
+40 Division
(7) 3rd/4th - Red Robins 40+
(2) +40 Fine Wine
(1) Final - Wild AF
(3) Hot Flashes
Thursday 26 October 2023
+40 Division
(3) Semi-Final - Red Robins 40+
(6) Wild AF
(5) Semi-Final - Hot Flashes
(2) +40 Fine Wine
Thursday 19 October 2023
+40 Division
(2) +40 Fine Wine
(3) Hot Flashes
(1) Wild AF
(4) Red Robins 40+
Thursday Women's Rec/Open
(3) Wooden Spoon - Puss & Boots FC
(0) Thursday Fall Womens @ The RA Centre - Individual Team A (Forfeit)
(2) Consolation Final - the underdogs 2.0
(3) Let's Go Girls FC
(1) Championship Final - Rovers
(2) Annie Plouffe - The BBs
(1) 3rd Place Playoff - Rusty Nails
(7) Green cream
Thursday 12 October 2023
+40 Division
(2) Wild AF
(6) Hot Flashes
(1) +40 Fine Wine
(7) Red Robins 40+
Thursday Women's Rec/Open
(1) Semi Final - Green cream
(2) Annie Plouffe - The BBs
(2) Semi Final - Rusty Nails
(3) Rovers
(2) Consolation Semi Final - the underdogs 2.0
(1) Puss & Boots FC
(3) Consolation Semi Final - Let's Go Girls FC
(0) Thursday Fall Womens @ The RA Centre - Individual Team A (Forfeit)
Thursday 28 September 2023
+40 Division
(0) Hot Flashes
(3) Red Robins 40+
(3) +40 Fine Wine
(0) Wild AF
Thursday Women's Rec/Open
(1) Let's Go Girls FC
(8) Green cream
(5) Rovers
(0) the underdogs 2.0
(4) Annie Plouffe - The BBs
(0) Thursday Fall Womens @ The RA Centre - Individual Team A
(4) Rusty Nails
(1) Puss & Boots FC
Thursday 21 September 2023
+40 Division
(7) Hot Flashes
(0) +40 Fine Wine
(1) Wild AF
(6) Red Robins 40+
Thursday Women's Rec/Open
(5) Green cream
(0) Thursday Fall Womens @ The RA Centre - Individual Team A
(4) the underdogs 2.0
(3) Let's Go Girls FC
(4) Rusty Nails
(3) Rovers
(3) Puss & Boots FC
(7) Annie Plouffe - The BBs
Thursday 14 September 2023
+40 Division
(7) Hot Flashes
(5) Wild AF
(4) Red Robins 40+
(5) +40 Fine Wine
Thursday Women's Rec/Open
(0) Puss & Boots FC
(8) Green cream
(1) Thursday Fall Womens @ The RA Centre - Individual Team A
(2) Annie Plouffe - The BBs
(2) Let's Go Girls FC
(9) Rovers
(1) Rusty Nails
(1) Annie Plouffe - The BBs
(1) the underdogs 2.0
(1) Thursday Fall Womens @ The RA Centre - Individual Team A
(1) the underdogs 2.0
(4) Rovers
Thursday 7 September 2023
+40 Division
(3) Red Robins 40+
(2) Hot Flashes
(8) Wild AF
(0) +40 Fine Wine
Thursday Women's Rec/Open
(1) Annie Plouffe - The BBs
(5) Rovers
(3) Puss & Boots FC
(6) Rusty Nails
(8) Green cream
(2) Let's Go Girls FC
(5) Let's Go Girls FC
(1) Thursday Fall Womens @ The RA Centre - Individual Team A
(1) Rusty Nails
(3) Green cream
(1) the underdogs 2.0
(0) Puss & Boots FC
Thursday 31 August 2023
+40 Division
(2) +40 Fine Wine
(2) Hot Flashes
(3) Red Robins 40+
(3) Wild AF
Thursday Women's Rec/Open
(2) Thursday Fall Womens @ The RA Centre - Individual Team A
(2) Rovers
(6) Rusty Nails
(0) the underdogs 2.0
(2) Annie Plouffe - The BBs
(4) Green cream
(4) Let's Go Girls FC
(3) Puss & Boots FC
Thursday 24 August 2023
+40 Division
(1) +40 Fine Wine
(6) Red Robins 40+
(3) Hot Flashes
(2) Wild AF
Thursday Women's Rec/Open
(4) Annie Plouffe - The BBs
(0) the underdogs 2.0
(2) Let's Go Girls FC
(5) Rusty Nails
(7) Green cream
(0) Rovers
(3) Thursday Fall Womens @ The RA Centre - Individual Team A
(2) Puss & Boots FC
Thursday 17 August 2023
Thursday Women's Rec/Open
(3) Puss & Boots FC
(3) Rovers
(2) Thursday Fall Womens @ The RA Centre - Individual Team A
(7) Rusty Nails
(7) Green cream
(0) the underdogs 2.0
(2) Annie Plouffe - The BBs
(2) Let's Go Girls FC
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